Recognize and Visit Tourism Object in Pandeglang web is launched

Posted by tukang nggame on Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hah...? Yeah do not be surprised if I launch a new Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang articles. Previously I relied on another website but there are some articles in relation to these other web hit om google penalty, then I am forced to start from scratch to goal new articles Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang this.

I was worried if my next major article on my blog which is also exposed to rely on google and the penalties removed from google index. Therefore, I boldly took the decision just launch a new website (new articles).

However if I still insist on using only one long article that could be the final drop, duh dong useless optimization. Let's fine to start from the beginning that the most important may be running smoothly as hoped. Hopes of becoming a champion.

Now I am after the launch article increase Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang energy directly to the new web optimization. Hopefully they get results, not zero as the optimization in the previous web. Oh.. do not know the old blog that when the optimization in no stagnan only the top 50. Had on the first page but only a few moments.

How again, google om jury had decided it so i can't refuse it. What is important now how to penetrate the business first prize than to regret or complain about what had happened. Bismillah.